Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to confirm the voice of Holy Spirit

I suppose there are a few ways in which a 
believer can make sure the voice that is
talking to them is God. In this blog post, I 
want to describe one way I've discovered
that we can make sure what we're hearing is
from the Lord.  

And that's simply waiting on God to back up 
what He's saying with scriptural support. 
It's really as easy as it sounds. So the next time 
Holy Spirit whispers something to you about 
your future or anything that pertains to your life,
wait on Him to also accompany it with verses
from the Bible. Let's face it. Noone wants to get 
it wrong. I think most of us would have to admit
that at some point in our walk, we got something
wrong or mixed up. This can quickly be
remedied by promises from His Word.

What I've found in this is that it also builds my faith.
There have been some things God has told me that 
required only one backing promise from scripture
for me to hold on to and believe was from Him.
Other things He's told me have been so great that it's 
required four backing scripture references to believe 
were from Him. The bottom line is: Faith comes by 
hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

PS - This is written to the sincere believer in Christ.
 A lot of people (I guess believers and non-believers alike) 
will want something so bad that they will arbitrarily 
cherry-pick something from scripture so that it fits their desires.
This is not how this works. The same still small voice that
speaks is the same still small voice that will confirm by 
using the Word of God. So the glory goes to God; not men. 

PSS = Here's another secret. At one point or another you will 
hear preachers or lay persons discuss the various ways in which God answers prayer.
The most common to these are:

1. Yes
2. No
3. Wait

May I propose to you that number 2 is incorrect. But when 

I say that, I'm talking to spiritual Christians who
choose to abide in Him and submit so that He abides in them. 

Now if you're not going to walk in the Word & Spirit then there may be times where He has to say no to you. But this is not His original intent. For His Word says that every promise in Him is YES and AMEN. 

So my encouragement to you is pray the promises and walk in them.

“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? 

 -Numbers 23:19

One last thought here and that's on the reality of loss and 

hardship. We're all going to face troubled times. These are our 
tests to get us to the next level in our walk. The Bible says we 
go from faith to faith and glory to glory.
So my encouragement is this: Next time you face a loss in life. Choose to rejoice and praise Him thru it.

He doesn't take things away that He doesn't replace with things much better and wonderful.

Remember that. For His glory.

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